The NFT-label

the digital3mpire was and is always changing. as a hybrid dynamic and fluid entity, it is continually reinventing itself. at the beginning, the physical space and the shows there were the central location and part of the platform. In the course of the last few years this has changed, the focus of the activity is now on the network. and so in addition to the gallery and the cooperation projects, the NFT label digital3mpire was added.

Create with us

we are creating and minting netbased aesthetic entities and artworks in cooperation with progressive creators who have a strong digital mindset.

we currently mint the releases on the opensea or the plattform and publish infos here and on our social channels.

NFT related updates

flip_to_frontIn conversation with Thomas Zitzwitz on the collection and production of NFTs

The Cologne artist and curator Thomas Zitzwitz collects and experiments with NFTs. My connection to him came about through the most recent project undertaken by Roland Schappert at the David Behning Gallery. However, his involvement with NFTs was first brought to my attention by chance via twitter. And, as I am – how would people put it nowadays – quite bullish at the moment as far as NFTs are concerned, my curiosity was aroused and I wanted to know more. Thankfully, Thomas found the time to answer a few of my questions.

Pupila Dilatada Flyer –

fk: I saw via twitter that you are involved with NFTs, both as a collector and as a producer. Is that right and why does the subject of NFTs interest you in general?

tz: I am sure that the hype around NFTs has a lot to do with the coronavirus pandemic. At present, the possibilities to see original art are extremely limited. All we are left with are online viewing rooms of galleries, fairs, museums, Instagram, etc. and an almost endless number of PDFs that flatter into our email boxes every day. Even as die-hard art enthusiasts, be it as collectors or artists, we soon become tired of it all.

As an artist, I have always been interested in new trends in contemporary art. I started in 1992 in the foundation semester with a course of studies in Media Arts at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Early on, I became interested in new forms in art, as an artist in particular in video and sound installations, as well as a new form that I have called Situation with Smell.

When I look at artworks shown on platforms,, or (to name just some of these ‘exhibition sites’), they are stored per certificate in a blockchain as NFTs. That means that I look at the original artwork on my computer screen, even if I am sitting on my own sofa because of a lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic and I am not able to go to museums, galleries and art clubs. That has its own particular appeal for me, as I am not looking at the copy, the photo or documentation of a painting, sculpture, installation or film but at the original.

At the same time, I don’t deny that only a few NFT artworks really engage or inspire me. But there certainly are some, and the discovery of just one such work sometimes makes clicking at breakneck speed through hundreds, even thousands of works worthwhile. But I also believe that, when we have overcome the pandemic, and we can once again visit exhibitions, biennales and fairs, the fascination for NFT artworks will diminish. Although it will definitely not disappear.

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KS – the collection

KS – the collection is a collaborative work between the artists Florian Kuhlmann and Roland Schappert to explore the pitfalls, the chances and the opening new possibilities of professional aesthetic products offered as NFT.

„We move in a dynamic field of tension of free artistic production. On the one hand there is the democratic notion of communal exchange and on the other hand the notion of artificial scarcity and uniqueization, which is absurd from a communicative point of view. Original copies stir up a desire through subsequent monopoly and increase the attention of capitalist business models.“
Florian Kuhlmann & Roland Schappert, 2021

First steps into a new world

We take our first steps on different platforms because we want to know how it works and how it feels. With this release we have chosen the platforms and Each platform feels a little different, each pursues different strategists. We deal with it affirmatively.

On we have minted two motifs each in an edition of 100. Minting on the Tezos blockchain is comparatively energy-saving and resource-saving because of the proof-of-stake process on which it is based, which seemed to us to be a sensible platform for high print runs.
Please klick here to see the original pieces.

ABWEGE | KS – THE COLLECTION, 2021 | Florian Kuhlmann & Roland Schappert,
digital edition, 1/100 for 1 tez | minted on

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